K Westhues Homepage

Wedding pictures,
1909-1926, of the eight children who married

Index of materials on the history of the family of Wilhelm and Theresia Westhues





Compiled by Ken Westhues, 2021, with thanks to all the cousins who contributed scans of the original prints. Additional photos of the family's early years can be found in the page of wedding pictures and as illustrations for various historical essays on this website. Click here for the index.


The first known family photo after arrival in Missouri in August 1892, taken in front of the homeplace in the winter of 1896. From left: Joseph (1884-1938), William (1882-1959), Theodore ((1880-1967), Wilhelm (father, 1848-1921), Theresa (1886-1916), Theresia (mother, 1860-1926) holding baby John (1895-1970), Mary (1893-1934), Henry (1888-1969), and Ben (1890-1988).


The three youngest.
At the back stands
John (1895-1970),
the baby in the
1896 photo above.
In front of him are
Anna (1897-1986)
at left, Fritz (1901-
1985) at right.




CA 1910

Not an excellent photo, but one that illlustrates the relentless routine of work on the farm. One of the sons, probably John, is helping his parents tend to turkeys, or possibly geese. Poultry were raised directly behind the house, which still stands today. The barn in the background lasted at least through the 1980s.

CA 1910

Eastman Kodak's "Brownie" camera, priced at $1 when it was first marketed in 1900, made do-it-yourself snapshots possible and affordable for families across America. Then as now, children in stairsteps were a popular subject. From left: Theodore, William G., Joseph, Henry, Ben, John and Fritz.

CA 1910

Portrait photo of the
founding couple,
Theresia & Wilhelm

CA 1912

All ten children with
their parents. From
left: Theodore,
Joseph, Theresa,
William G., Theresia
(mother) with Henry
behind her and Fritz
in front, Mary,
Wilhelm (father),
Ben, Anna, John.

CA 1912

Fourth child and eldest daughter Theresia, who never married and died of TB in 1917, at the age of 31. She had been housekeeper for Father John Pleus, founding pastor of Immac. Conception Parish in Jefferson City. A window of the parish church, built in 1922, is in memory of Theresia.

CA 1914

This tableau from a play staged in town about the Revolutionary War shows four of Wilhelm and Theresia's children and a future son-in-law. At left, Ben has his hand to his head. John stands behind him. Anna is seated at far right, as if talking, with Mary standing next to her. Mary's future husband, Joe Flaspohler, is centerstage. By activities like this, the Westhues children assimilated to American culture.

CA 1915

By the time the Great War commenced, the four oldest sons (Theodore, W. G., Joseph and Henry) were all living on their own. That left six children still at home. John probably took this snapshot in front of the south sleeping porch of the homeplace. The five standing behind their parents are, from left, Fritz, Anna, Theresa, Mary, and Ben.


Portrait photo of the seventh child and second daughter, Mary, the first child born in America. Her younger brother Fritz described her years later as a sophisticated kind of person who loved novels, the piano, and pretty clothes.


Portrait photo of the ninth child and third daughter, Anna. Fritz remembered her as strong, almost a tomboy, tending poultry during the day but playing the piano and singing in the evening.

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